Linux Weekly Roundup #8
Welcome to the first newsletter of this year. I apologize for missing last week's letter. I was traveling to many places without a computer and after that, I have been sick for a while.The last two weeks have been a slow period for Linux as we just entered the new year, but I have a feeling that we will soon get a few new Linux Releases.
Over the last 2 weeks Chakra Linux 2019.01 RC2, KaOS 18.12, Antergos 19.1 and Netrunner 19.01 have been released. The distro which stirred the most excitement for me is Ubuntu 19.04 daily builds. It will only be released in April and the Beta in March, but the things that stood out for me are a new updated version of the Yaru theme and Files 3.30, it has been 3.26 since Ubuntu 17.10 because Gnome Files from 3.28 has dropped Desktop Icons but Ubuntu got an extension now which brought it back.
LibreOffice 6.2 RC has been released and the stable released will be released at the end of this month, it promises to be a great leap forward, with lots of customization so we can wait with expectation!
See you next week,
Johan Seyfferdt
Chakra Linux 2019.01 RC2 -
KaOS 18.12 -
Antergos 19.1 -
Netrunner OS 19.01 -
Ubuntu 19.04 Updated Yaru There -
Ubuntu 19.04 Files 3.30 -
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