How to install Crashplan Small Business on Ubuntu 18.04

Today we are looking at how to install Crashplan Small Business on Ubuntu 18.04.  Don't let the name fool you, it is perfect for home users as well, as it is $10 a month for unlimited highly secure and very reliable backups.  A person first needs to sign up for a free month trial to be able to get the installer, that's why I do not show how to download it, but as you can see it is easy to install and the installation process will be the same on all Linux Distros.  You will find an affiliate link below where a person can apply for a month free trial and support this project even more than you already do!  Enjoy!

Ps. In signing up for a free trial a person needs to give your business name, but if you are a home user, you can just use your name.

Commands Used:
sudo ./install

Crashplan One Month Free Trial Affiliate Link:

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