Bleachbit System Cleaner 2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 a CCleaner Alternative

Today we are looking at how to install Bleachbit on Ubuntu 18.04.  Bleachbit is a system optimizer and a great CCleaner alternative for Linux.  It is easy to use and easy to install, a person can use the method which I used in the video, I made it slightly easier by already adding the name of the package into the command so you can simply click the download link and run the command in a terminal inside the folder where the package is, as shown in the video or you can download it and install it with the Ubuntu Software Center.

Please take note that it seems like Bleachbit is no longer being updated as the last package for Ubuntu, which is still working, is Ubuntu 17.10.  Enjoy!

Command Used:
sudo dpkg -i bleachbit_2.0_all_ubuntu1710.deb

Download Link:

Official Site:

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