Linux Weekly Roundup #23

Hello and welcome to the 23rd edition of the weekly Linux Roundup.

It has been a full Linux with many Linux distro releases namely, Voyager Live 19.04, Parrot OS 4.6, antiX 19 Alpha 1, Debian 9.9.0, Deepin 15.10 and Elive 3.0.4.

As I am m vacation at the moment and slow internet speed, sadly I doubt I can look at all of these releases but I have already looked at Voyager Live 19.04, Deepin 15.10 and I will look tomorrow at Debian 9.9.0 and I will give you a link of it next week.

WPS Office 2019 has been released, it is free for Linux users, I just wish it was open source.

Thank you for reading and see you next week!

Johan Seyfferdt

Voyager Live 19.04 -
Deepin 15.10 -

How to install WPS Office 2019 on Ubuntu 19.04 -
