Duzeru 4

Today we are looking at Duzeru 4.  It is a highly customized and beautiful Linux distro created by creative minds from Brazil.  It is based on Debian 19, Linux Kernel 4.19, XFCE 4.12, with some adjustments, and uses about 1.4-1.7 GB of ram.

I mentioned XFCE with some adjustments, what I mean with it is that it uses Gnome Files and Gnome Software center and Deepin deb package manager, so they took parts of other Linux systems and mixed it into their system and it looks good.  They also have a lot of graphic enchanters, etc which is nice on the eyes but makes it heavy on ram, etc.

So, according to my opinion, this has all the potential to become a great distro, but it needs some maturing, but the potential for sure!

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