Linux Weekly Roundup #94


Welcome to this weekly Linux Roundup of Linux Releases and more.

Q4OS 3.12, SparkyLinux 2020.09, Endless OS 3.8.6, RebornOS 2020.09.01 Garuda OS 200831, Nitrux OS 2020.09.05, Ubuntu DesktopPack 20.04 has been released this week.

Apps wise,  Linux Mint, released the news in their latest monthly roundup that they are working on a new app, inspired by ICE by Peppermint OS, to make an electron application of any website called WebApp Manager, and we also have a Beta release of it.

This is it for this week, stay safe and we trust that you are well!

Johan Seyfferdt,
Linux Made Simple

Q4OS 3.12 -
WebApp Manager by Linux Mint -

3rd Party Link:
For all other distros mentioned look at -
