How to install PhpStorm on a Chromebook in 2024

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing PhpStorm on your Chromebook. PhpStorm is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PHP developers, offering advanced code assistance, debugging tools, and seamless integration with various frameworks and technologies.

Before You Begin

Please note that PhpStorm comes with a 30-day free trial, after which a paid license is required. This tutorial is specifically for Chromebooks with an Intel or AMD CPU that support Linux Apps. Unfortunately, this method won't work on Chromebooks with ARM64 architecture CPUs.

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide, please follow along with the video tutorial above. The commands used in the video are also listed below for your convenience.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

1. Enable Linux Apps on Your Chromebook

If you haven't already, you'll need to enable Linux apps on your Chromebook. To do this:

  1. Go to your Chromebook's Settings
  2. Click on the "Advanced" section
  3. Find the "Developers" section
  4. Click on "Turn On" next to "Linux development environment (Beta)"
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup

2. Update Your Linux Container

Open a terminal and run the following command to ensure your Linux container is up-to-date:

sudo apt update

3. Install Required Packages

Install the menu editor and Java Development Kit with this command:

sudo apt install kmenuedit default-jdk

4. Download PhpStorm

Use wget to download the PhpStorm package:


5. Extract the PhpStorm Package

Extract the downloaded package with this command:

tar -xf PhpStorm-2024.1.1.tar.gz

6. Launch PhpStorm

Start PhpStorm for the first time using this command:


7. Add PhpStorm to Your Application Menu

To make it easier to launch PhpStorm in the future, let's add it to your application menu:

  1. Run the command: kmenuedit
  2. Choose a category for PhpStorm
  3. Click on "New Item"
  4. Name your desktop entry (e.g., "PhpStorm")
  5. Set the command to: ./PhpStorm-241.15989.102/bin/
  6. Save the launcher

Additional Resources

For more detailed information about the installation process, you can refer to this Google Doc used in the tutorial.

Visit the official PhpStorm website for documentation, tutorials, and support.

Chromebook Compatibility

To check if your Chromebook supports Linux Apps, consult our list of All Currently Supported Chromebooks with Linux Apps (Crostini) support.

If you're in the market for a new Chromebook, take a look at our Chromebook comparison and Buyers Guide.


Installing PhpStorm on your Chromebook opens up a world of possibilities for PHP development. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, you'll be able to write, debug, and deploy PHP applications with ease. Remember to explore PhpStorm's extensive documentation to make the most of this robust IDE.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process or have questions about using PhpStorm on your Chromebook, please don't hesitate to reach out through the YouTube comments. Happy coding!
