How to install Rig of Rods on a Chromebook in 2024

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Rig of Rods on your Chromebook. Rig of Rods is an open-source vehicle simulator that offers a unique soft-body physics model, allowing for realistic vehicle deformation and handling.


Before we begin, it's important to note that this tutorial is specifically for Chromebooks with Intel or AMD CPUs that support Linux Apps. Unfortunately, this method won't work on Chromebooks with ARM64 architecture CPUs.

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide, please follow along with the video tutorial above. We'll explain each step in detail and demonstrate the process.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Enable Linux Apps on Your Chromebook

If you haven't already, you'll need to enable Linux apps on your Chromebook. To do this:

  1. Go to your Chromebook's Settings
  2. Click on the "About Chrome OS" section in the left panel
  3. Under the "Developer" section, choose "Set up Linux"
  4. Follow the prompts to turn on Linux

2. Download Rig of Rods

Visit the official Rig of Rods website to download the Linux installation package:

3. Move the Installer

Once downloaded, move the installer to your Linux folder in the Files app.

4. Run Installation Commands

Open a terminal from your app menu and run the following commands:

1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt install libois-dev
3) unzip
4) ./RunRoR fixedvblank_mode=0

These commands will update your system, install necessary dependencies, unzip the game files, and launch the game.

Launching Rig of Rods

To launch the game in the future, you'll need to run the last command in a terminal each time:

./RunRoR fixedvblank_mode=0

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during installation or gameplay, try the following:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's software is up to date
  • Check that you have sufficient storage space in your Linux container
  • If the game runs slowly, try closing other applications to free up system resources

Additional Resources

For more information and detailed instructions, refer to our Google Doc used in the tutorial.


Installing Rig of Rods on your Chromebook opens up a world of vehicle simulation possibilities. Whether you're interested in off-road adventures or intricate vehicle physics, this open-source simulator offers a unique and engaging experience. Enjoy exploring the capabilities of Rig of Rods on your Chromebook!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out via a YouTube comment. We're here to help!

For more information on Chromebooks with Linux Apps support, check out our guide on All Currently Supported Chromebooks with Linux Apps (Crostini) support.

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