How to install Freeciv21 on a Chromebook

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Freeciv21 on your Chromebook. Freeciv21 is an open-source strategy game inspired by the popular Civilization series, offering hours of engaging gameplay right on your Chromebook.

Preparing Your Chromebook

Before we begin, ensure that your Chromebook supports Linux apps (Crostini). If you're unsure, you can check our list of Chromebooks with Linux Apps support.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Follow these steps carefully to install Freeciv21:

1. Enable Linux Apps

First, we need to enable Linux apps on your Chromebook:

  1. Go to your Chromebook's Settings
  2. Click on the "About Chrome OS" section in the left panel
  3. Under the "Developer" section, choose to set up Linux
  4. Follow the prompts to turn on Linux

2. Install Freeciv21

Now that Linux is enabled, we'll use the terminal to install Freeciv21. Open the terminal from your app menu and enter the following commands one by one:

1) sudo apt update
2) sudo apt install flatpak
3) sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
4) sudo flatpak install net.longturn.freeciv21
5) sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/bwrap && sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/bwrap

Let's break down what these commands do:

  • The first command updates your Linux apps repositories
  • The second installs Flatpak, a utility for software deployment and package management
  • The third adds the official Flathub repository to your system
  • The fourth installs Freeciv21
  • The final command sets the necessary permissions for launching the application

Launching Freeciv21

Once the installation is complete, you can launch Freeciv21 from your app menu. Enjoy hours of strategic gameplay right on your Chromebook!

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide, check out our step-by-step video tutorial:

Additional Resources

For more information about Freeciv21 and Flatpak, check out these resources:

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues during installation:

  • Ensure your Chromebook's software is up to date
  • Check that you have sufficient storage space for the installation
  • If a command fails, try running it again
  • Restart your Chromebook if you experience persistent issues

We hope this guide helps you get Freeciv21 up and running on your Chromebook. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments section of our YouTube video. Happy gaming!

For more Chromebook tips and tricks, check out our Chromebook comparison and Buyers Guide.
